A downloadable SPACE (of a lifetime!)

Make sure to follow my Itch.io to keep up with devlog updates and the full release!

I haven't worked on this game in quite some time, but I plan to come back to it!

Once a new demo is uploaded, feedback, critique and ideas will be greatly appreciated c:

Development log


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might I suggest adding a web version of the game


It’s a fun and neat breaker-ball game and I would love to see more of it because it has a lot of potential. Some of the problems and suggestions I have are:

  • Although there is reset for the white ball if it is moving at a fairly horizontal angle, this reset moves the white ball up instead of applying an upward force and letting physics do the job. During my playthrough, when the white ball was stuck horizontally near the top of the screen, this reset will attempt to move the white ball up, but will be blocked by the top of the screen, and gets stuck there forever.
  • This aforementioned reset only applies to the white ball, which in my opinion should be applied to all balls.
  • When the level is near to its end and there are fewer blocks, it becomes increasingly difficult to line up the shots because of how precise you need to be. There needs to be some mechanic to:
    • show the reflected trajectory of the ball so its easier to line up shots, and/or
    • remove the mandatory requirement of destroying all blocks to proceed; e.g. the player only needs to destroy 80% of blocks and then they will be presented with the option to go to the next level via a button press or stay to challenge themselves for more points
  • Collision detection could use some improvements: for example, when moving the paddle to the ball at the last minute, sometimes it doesn’t collide properly and the ball goes through or moves in a unnatural way. Also, I think it would be a great feature if you manage to take into consideration that the impulsive movement of the paddle can be used to generate spin and power on the ball to make curved/fast shots, especially with a curved paddle. That will make this game extremely appealing and truly shine in my opinion.
  • Would love to see a 4x speed option.
  • Needs improvements on UI; they are scaled poorly on large screens.

Keep up the good work!

Wow! Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. I'll try to implement these improvements in the coming months of development.

I've actually made a few adjustments since the release of this demo that help resolve (or at least partially so) a couple of the issues above. If you're interested on what they are, DM me on Discord :)


Hello! I played this game, I love this game! :)

I have a lot of ideas like new game modes, etc., but I want to tell that you should improve the game code. (I decompiled the file where the scripts are contained)

Don't use GameObject.Find (), use object reference instead, because if you keep updating this game, but write GameObject.Find () in every script the game will not be optimized

Anyway, keep making the game! :D

Good job! 

Thanks! I've been working hard on this game since this demo released; there's almost 20 levels now, and a loooot of new fun little things in it.

Thanks for letting me know! I'll make sure to try and do that :D

Oh, also, what ideas did you have? :o

(1 edit)

If the player is unable to destroy any block within 2-3 minutes, then it automatically explodes. 

When I pass a level and there is only one block left, it takes a long time

Do you have an email or discord? There we can discuss the development of the game.

I've actually already got a solution in store for that! 

My Discord is Tominator#5412, I'd love to continue the game dev conversation there :)


really cool idea, the only note I have is to not have as many buttons pausing the game

Thanks for the feedback! I think in the full version I'll just have the space bar pause the game :)